چکیده: (8675 مشاهده)
In the majority of cases, making the exact diagnosis and finding the main organic cause of pain is difficult, although the pain being present and causes some anxiety and fear in human life. Though pain relief and pain control have caused many pain clinics to he established in worldwide, hypnosis therapy could be presented as well as the other means, as a new and effective way to control pain. On the other hand, it is a noninvasive method. Hypnotism is the science of affecting on perceptions and behaviors of human by the means of hypnotical trance and instructions.Hypnotical trance is the situation of profound relaxation. 80-90% of the people could be hypnotized in different levels of light, moderate, and profound hypnosis. Hynotism has a variety of uses, one of which is to relief pain. In this way it has been used effectively in painful conditions such as: labour and delivery, surgical operations, dentisty, burns, migrain headaches, neck and back pains, joint pains or Chronic pain like that in cancers with a special concern to autohypnotism. It should be noted that in painful conditions without a diagnosis , hypnotism must never he used to relief pain.
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مراقبتهاي پرستاري انتشار: 1392/5/16 | انتشار الکترونیک: 1392/5/16