Abstract: (9812 Views)
This study is a cross -sectional descriptive analysis research, that hasbeen carried out in orerto studdy complications during pregnancy and delivery in over -weigt mothers in : Tehran Maternity or over had come for delivery ,They were studdiedd simultaneously . The -devices usedd in this research are Questioner, Checking the mothers and babies documents and teir biographies ,delivery observation and to measure The mothhers andbabiesweights. The results indicated that some of the complication such as Cesarian}breechpresentation ,Macrosome baby ,preeclampisia ,Hypertension in mithers (B.P. 140/90)ANDedamarelatedd to the mothers over weight. The ither complications such as "Toolong stages of delivery or, premature labour ,postate and adamage to the delivery chhanel "were observed more commonly in over weight group.
Type of Study:
Research |
Nursing Care Published: 2013/08/7 | ePublished: 2013/08/7